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MER/WRI Donates In-Kind Services to Support Jacksonville Naval Museum


MER Donates In-Kind Services to Support Jacksonville Naval Museum 

On April 18, 2022, the Jacksonville Naval Museum reached out to Water Recovery (WRI) and the Atlantic Beach Resource Center because the ex-USS Orleck required the removal of ballast water needed for its voyage from Texas to its new forever home in Jacksonville, Florida. The ex-USS Orleck is a retired Navy ship that is being restored and converted into a Naval Museum. She will live right down the street from our WRI location. The local team immediately saw an opportunity to serve our community while also giving back to the maritime industry, one that is woven into the fabric of our organization. 

The local environmental and WRI teams quickly leveraged our combined capabilities and assisted the crew. MER personnel performed the removal of ballast water within the vessel and transported it to our facility at WRI where our personnel treated and disposed of the liquid waste.

An important part of the MER culture is that our employees are committed and empowered to make an impact in the communities and industries we serve through its philanthropic efforts, volunteerism, and community engagement activities. In a message to employees when approached to support the effort, Senior Vice President Rob Callahan stated, "Team, I am on board with this effort and applaud your collective support for what looks to be a historic and valuable addition to the City of Jacksonville. I look forward to a continued relationship with the team at the USS Orleck Naval Museum."

MER stands behind our active military and veterans. We are honored to support an organization such as the Jacksonville Naval Museum. We must continue to tell the stories of our country's history and preserve pieces of that history, such as the ex-USS Orleck. Being a part of getting the ship ready for the public to view was extremely rewarding to all of us involved. We at MER are excited about the museum's opening, so we can bring our families and educate our children on the impact that ships like the ex-USS Orleck, made on our country. 

For more information on the Jacksonville Naval Museum, visit their website:



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